Welcome to


A 5-month virtual group coaching program for driven women who want a life transformation by:

> Gaining Clarity

> Building Your Self-Confidence

> Using Your Personal Power

> Finding Your Life Purpose

> Learning self-leadership

> Creating Your growth plan

Join today!


You are in the right place if..

> You feel like something is missing in your life.

> You want to learn to lead yourself better so you can lead others.

> You want to make a change in your life but don't know where to start.

> You want to find your life purpose so you can feel fulfilled and whole.

> You're tired of overthinking and want to begin living a life on purpose.

>You need to figure out what you want to focus on.

> Or maybe you've had some life changes and you've lost a sense of who you are and need to do some self-discovery.

> You need to find clarity on what you want to do.

> You are looking for a group of women who will support you, encourage you and inspire you to become the best version of yourself.


I worked a corporate job that allowed me to travel the world. Yet, I was not happy.

I did everything I was 'supposed' to. I went to school, got a good paying job, and even changed careers in the process.

But still wasn't happy. I had this constant feeling that something was missing.

Through my personal growth journey, I found there is more out there for each of us. Then, I got an 'aha' moment and realized I'm not living within my God given purpose!

Ok great. Now what? How do I find out what my purpose is?

Can my purpose be my new career? Is it possible to do what I love and make it my new career ? (umm.. YEAH!)

I've always loved helping others, helping women. It makes me feel I matter and I can see my contribution to their success ... Little did I know, this is my life purpose. To help others achieve what the want in life.

The minute I found my purpose I made plans to quit my corporate job, started to intentionally work and lead myself better, learn more about who I am and began to grow.

Today, I am using what I learned, the tools I used and the knowledge I gained so I created Purpose Driven Woman.

I now have my own business helping driven women like you. I am convinced you too can live the life you have been dreaming about, both personally and professionally.

Are you ready to live your life on purpose and be fulfilled every day of your life? I'd love to connect with you about joining Purpose Driven Woman.

Imagine if you..

> Wake up excited about your life.

> Live on purpose instead of unintentionally.

> Have clarity about your life.

> Say yes to you, and to self-care.

> Are part of a community of like-minded women who support you and encourage you to thrive.

> Learn to manage your thoughts to get better results.

> Stop worrying about the opinion of others.

> Get out of your way and stop sabotaging your life.

> Live with courage instead of fear.

>Begin to use your personal power to reach your goals.

> All this is possible if you decide this is what you want.


There's no more waiting. Decide today, you are ready and you want to finally make your dreams a reality.

Imagine being able to achieve your goals, feeling empowered, and living your life on purpose.

Imagine having clarity, being confident, and taking action to live life on your own terms.



> Steps to living your life on purpose.

> Personalized growth plan to guide you toward the best version of yourself.

> Five one-on-one coaching sessions with Julieta.

> Live group coaching every week for 20 weeks.

> Access to simple but powerful tools.

> Access to online modules for the duration of the program.

> Worksheets you can use to create real tangible change in every area of your life.

> A support system to encourage you and empower you as you embark on this powerful journey.


Life is in session. Time is ticking. Where will you be four months from now? Right. Where. You. Are. Now.

Albert Einstein said that "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." You need to take action now.

You are the best investment you'll ever make.


See what some of my clients are saying....

"I feel so empowered and well in tune with my purpose in life with the clarity our sessions give me. My life has become more meaningful. I don't wake up wondering why I'm doing what I do, but rather, I get excited to fulfill my purpose."

- Becky (Minneapolis, MN)

"I've been able to find clarity and direction in my life and my business. Julieta is wonderful and I recommend her coaching to you."

- Sandra (Inver Grove Heights, MN)

"Julieta empowers me. I love how she helps me see myself and pulls from what's already inside of me and brings me back to my purpose."

- Blanca (Dallas, TX)


>> One payment of $4,500, or $1,300 to get started and 5 monthly payments of $675.

>> Six one-on-one coaching sessions with Julieta.

>> Weekly live group coaching sessions with Julieta.

>> Access to the Purpose Driven Woman curriculum.

>> Discounted price to our annual Transformation Retreat.

>> Group Chat support.

>> Bonus content.

>> ...and so much more!


And be one of the women who are living their life on purpose or building their business intentionally and on purpose.



What results can I expect from the program?

You can expect more clarity, purpose, self-confidence and community.

You will begin the program with a self-discovery exercise to ground you on who you are and work on a specific area of your choice. Some Purpose Driven Women have started their own business, asked for and received a job promotion, and moved across the country with a new dream. The results vary based on each individual's goals. 

How many women are in the program?

The number of women in the program varies at any given time. However, there are 20 spots available on a yearly cycle. These spots will sell out. If you want to sign up, get on the waitlist asap.

Is the program virtual or in person?

The program is completely virtual and conducted via Zoom.

When are the meetings held?

Our weekly meeting will be on Tuesdays at 7pm CST.

One-on-one coaching sessions with Julieta will be determined with each participant.

What is the investment for the program?

The time investment is an average of 90 minutes per week, plus five 60 minute private coaching sessions with Julieta for the duration of the program.

The financial investment is $4,500 USD if paid in full or $1,300 to get started and 5 monthly payments of $675.

Is my investment refundable?

Although it has never happened, if you decide to quit the program, once you receive access to all program materials, there will be no refunds. Also note that investment is not transferable.

I am interested but have questions?

Book a 30 min FREE, no-commitment call to get your questions answered. Click HERE to schedule a time.